How Peptides can help in a Plethora of ways

Feb 25, 2020 In the first interview of the Healthy and Strong Podcast, Dr. Harrison sits down with one of her patients and discusses them on how peptide therapy has been successful in their life. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

How different kinds of Salt affect your Thyroid

Feb 18, 2020 Dr. Harrison explains how different elements in your salt can have different effects on your health. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support. 

Learning to Manage your Stress

Feb 4, 2020 In this week’s episode of the Healthy and Strong podcast, Dr. Harrison explains how deep breathing and day time rest are two important ways that you can use to help lower your stress. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

The Issues with BPA Today

Jan 30, 2020 Dr. Harrison talks about a JAMA (journal of American Medical Association) article which discusses BPA levels that may be harmful to people. Additionally Dr. Harrison discusses what exactly BPA exposure does to our bodies. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

How Blood Thinners Surprise Us Every Day

Jan 28, 2020 Dr. Harrison discusses some of the many ways that blood thinners work in the body and what are some of the natural sources that we get them from. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

The Importance of Libido Peptides

Jan 21, 2020 Dr. Harrison talks about some very important libido peptides and why they are necessary for everybody. Additionally, she discusses some of the many ways that it may be affecting your life. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

Anesthesia and Herbal Medicine

Jan 7, 2020 Dr. Harrison talks about the different ways that herbal medicine can affect anesthesia and why its important. Additionally, she explains why eating after midnight because undergoing anesthesia is prohibited in hospitals, and why it is so important. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

The Differences between Animal and Plant Proteins

Dec 25, 2019 Dr. Harrison discusses the differences between animal and plant proteins and why its’ important to understand the differences. Additionally she discusses all the important reasons why collagen is so important for your health. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

All of the Reasons why Peptide Therapy is right for YOU!

Dec 19, 2019 Dr. Toni Harrison divulges the exciting new category of therapy becoming available at Incredible Health. In this episode, she describes all of the ways that peptide therapy can help you today. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

The Many Uses of Phosphatidylserine

Dec 17, 2019 Dr. Harrison dives deeps into phosphatidylserine, its uses and how it affects cell membrane health. Additionally, Dr. Harrison discusses why cell membrane health is so important and how it impacts the rest of our health. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

Discussing Menopause Hormonal Therapy

Dec 3, 2019 In this episode of the Healthy and Strong podcast, Dr. Toni Harrison discusses a list of reasons for why menopause hormonal therapy is so important for people’s health. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

Putting Together the Pieces of Treatment Resistant Depression

Nov 26, 2019 In this episode, Dr. Harrison pulls apart all of the major aspects of treatment resistant depression and discusses how each of them affect treatment resistant depression. Metagenics SPM Active Designs For Health CannabOmega To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go to to order. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.